New Book: When Our World Was Whole
Liz is excited to announce. that her second collection of poetry, When Our World Was Whole, has been published by Kelsey Press. It's a collection of 65 accessible poems written from a post WWII childhood in England, immigration and belonging, a glance at patriarchy and the wonders and fragility of the natural world. Her book is available from Amazon and Excelsior Bay Books.
Comments from readers:
"Last night, I cried and laughed in good measure. Your words move me."
Mandy MacLean, Scotland.
"I even took your book into the bath to continue reading--it got a bit damp! I will continue
reading by the fire." Giles Pearman, England.
Thank you for your beautiful poems-they're meaningful and then dark and challenging, like life itself.
Rose Kelly, Minnesota.
"You find just the right word to express feelings and observations."
Sue Sawley, California.
Liz is excited to announce. that her second collection of poetry, When Our World Was Whole, has been published by Kelsey Press. It's a collection of 65 accessible poems written from a post WWII childhood in England, immigration and belonging, a glance at patriarchy and the wonders and fragility of the natural world. Her book is available from Amazon and Excelsior Bay Books.
Comments from readers:
"Last night, I cried and laughed in good measure. Your words move me."
Mandy MacLean, Scotland.
"I even took your book into the bath to continue reading--it got a bit damp! I will continue
reading by the fire." Giles Pearman, England.
Thank you for your beautiful poems-they're meaningful and then dark and challenging, like life itself.
Rose Kelly, Minnesota.
"You find just the right word to express feelings and observations."
Sue Sawley, California.

About Elizabeth the Author
Elizabeth grew up in England and trained as a nurse in London. She flew to Cape Town, South Africa, to work at Groote Schuur Hospital. There she met her Irish husband and came to live in Minnesota with their two sons. She wrote for local newspapers and reviewed Twin Cities’ theater for talkinbroadway.com, before serving on her city council and becoming Mayor of Medina. Retired, now, she reads, writes and volunteers in her community.
Kelsay Press published her second book of poetry, When Our World Was Whole at the close of 2022. North Star Press of St. Cloud published her first book High on Table Mountain, in 2016. She has received four SASE/Writer-to-Writer Awards, and her work has been published in many journals, including Water ~ Stone Review, Comstock Review, The Kerf, Evening Street Review and Holy Cow! Press anthologies. She was a 2017 nominee for the Midwest Book Awards. > More about the author

High on Table Mountain is a collection of 60 accessible poems,
written from a life lived, with themes of immigration, family, loss,
humor, war, wonder and the natural world.
Reader's Comments
"I found these wonderful poems both personal and universal." Marcia Haffmans
"Our book club was inspired by Liz's words and down-to earth poetry. Her poems spoke deeply to each one of us and we all talked about it for weeks afterwards." Susan Craig's Book Club.
"Reading Elizabeth Weir’s poems is like eating an apple whole…tart and succulent,scarred, and real. In High on Table Mountain, Weir takes us on a moonlit journey across the globe from England to South Africa, Italy, France and many places in between shedding light on everything she touches." June Blumenson whose poetry collection A Scythe of Moon, is forthcoming in 2020
"I love how Liz's words paint pictures and images." Naomi Nelson, Fiber Artist
"Dear Elizabeth,
This is a fan letter! I just wanted to say how very much I have enjoyed your work. I’ve read and re-read the wonderful poems many times, and have recommended the book to others. At my own book launch last week, it was among several that I waved at the audience and said, You have to read this! The poems are such a beautiful combination of wit, observation and heart. Some of my favorites are She Slices Soft Pears, Kitchen Alchemy, Late News of My Grandfather… and really any of the poems where your mother appears! However, they all have something substantial and are delicious.
In admiration, Kathy Oakley
(Kathryn Oakley’s book of poetry, “Incense Drifting to the Horizon,” is published by North Star Press of St. Cloud.)
"I love howLiz's poems are sad, funny, cool as lemonade and warm as red wine."
Norrie Thomas, Candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives, 2018
"I read your book from cover to cover. It's by far the most lovely book of poems, I've read--seriously loved it!"
Dr. Mandy McLean, Professor of Pharmacy, Edinbugh, Scotland.
"What a wonderful book of poetry! I have read and re-read your reflections and thoughts. I'm not a book reviewer, but I love your book."
June Kelly.
Listen to the Author
Select readings from the work of Elizabeth Weir.
Select readings from the work of Elizabeth Weir.
First Poem of the book "High on Table Mountain"
"Six Sober Months of Winder in Frozen Minnesota"